I thought my bore adjustment was successful, and was grateful for the results. Recently I went on a kick trying different tubes including the Chudnow E and S corkless staples, Chudnow MCW Artists, Sierra tubes, Loree tubes, and Glotin tubes. Finally, I ordered some Weber tubes (I don’t know why I didn’t in the first place) and was blown away by the stability and sound of the tube. I am not sure if it’s due to the bore adjustment AND his tubes, but playing on the Weber 1-B shape (about the size of a Gilbert -1 with a better, deeper, and more stable curve) along with the Weber tubes and the Weber bore adjustment, it has made the single most stable oboe I’ve ever owned. The middle C and High C are exactly in pitch, as are the traditionally saggy A’s. I can’t believe the difference, and now I’m stuck with about 100 other brand staples that I’ll never use again!
Date Added: 10/12/2006 by Cooper Wright